RSPS School

Welcome to Rising Sun Premier School, Agra-Jagner Road, Agra-281523 (India). This webpage will provide you with all the important information about the outline of our school. We hope that the information contained within this webpage will be useful to you as it will explain the main things you need to know about the school and how we always have the best interests of the children firmly in our minds.
At Rising Sun Premier School (RSPS), we are committed to providing the best possible education for your child. We have an established reputation for providing high standards and expectations within a well ordered and caring environment. Our aim is to encourage pupils to achieve their best and to lay the foundations on which their future learning is built. We believe that children learn best when they feel secure and their activities are interesting and enjoyable.
We aim to develop a strong partnership with parents as we feel that if we are working towards a common goal this will help each child to achieve their very best. We encourage you to support the school in a variety of ways ranging from helping in class to fund-raising and supporting your child with homework. Offers of help are always welcome.
A school prospectus cannot answer all of your questions but it should give you and your child an insight into our values and beliefs. There is no better way of choosing the right school for your child than by visiting. I am delighted that many parents who look around Killigrew comment on the warm, purposeful atmosphere and know that their children will be happy here. We are very proud of the achievements of our children and encourage you to come and visit the school.